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Global Regulatory Disclosures

Willis Towers Watson offers insurance-related services through its appropriately licensed entities in each jurisdiction in which it operates. For further authorisation and regulatory details about our Willis Towers Watson legal entities, operating in your country, please refer to the details below. It is a regulatory requirement for us to consider our local licensing requirements.

Great Britain

Country Entity Disclosure
UK Willis Limited (inc Jersey, Guernsey and Dubai) Willis Limited is a Lloyd's broker and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Jersey Financial Services Commission, Guernsey Financial Services Commission and Dubai Financial Services Authority. The registered office is 51 Lime Street, London, EC3M 7DQ and Willis Limited is registered in England and Wales under company number 181116.
UK Willis Towers Watson SA NV, UK branch Willis Towers Watson SA/NV, Quai des Vennes, 4020, Liège, Belgium (0415.981.986 RPM Liège) (registered as a branch in the UK at 51 Lime Street, London, EC3M 7DQ UK Branch Number BR021056) in relation to all EEA-regulated business. Authorised by the Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) Belgium, and authorised and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority. Details about the extent of our authorisation and regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority are available from us on request
UK Willis Towers Watson Management (Guernsey) Limited Willis Towers Watson Management (Guernsey) Limited is an insurance manager authorised by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission The registered office is, Suite 1 North, 1st Floor, Albert House, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 1AJ and the company is registered in Guernsey, registration number 8802.
UAE Willis Limited, Dubai Branch Willis Limited is a Lloyd's broker and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, Jersey Financial Services Commission, Guernsey Financial Services Commission and Dubai Financial Services Authority.The registered office is 51 Lime Street, London, EC3M 7DQ and Willis Limited is registered in England and Wales under company number 181116. For important information about the company, please refer to

North America

Country Entity Disclosure
Bermuda Willis (Bermuda) Limited Willis (Bermuda) Limited Wellesley House, 2nd Floor, 90 Pitts Bay Road, Pembroke HM 08, Bermuda Registration No. 37006
Canada Willis Canada Inc Willis Canada Inc., 1500-130 King St. W., Toronto, ON, M5X 1E3, Canada
USA Willis Towers Watson Northeast, Inc. Willis Towers Watson Northeast, Inc. in the United States, 200 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10281
USA Willis of New Jersey, Inc. Willis of New Jersey, Inc., 150 John F. Kennedy Parkway, Suite 520 Short Hills, NJ 07078
USA Willis Towers Watson Insurance Services West, Inc. Willis Towers Watson Insurance Services West, Inc., 525 Market Street, Suite 3400, San Francisco, CA 94105
USA Willis Towers Watson Midwest, Inc. Willis Towers Watson Midwest, Inc., 775 Yard Street, STE 200, Columbus, OH 43212
USA Willis Towers Watson Southeast, Inc. Willis Towers Watson Southeast, Inc., 26 Century Blvd., Nashville, TN 37214

Western Europe

Country Entity Disclosure
Belgium Willis Towers Watson SA/NV Willis Towers Watson offers insurance-related services through Willis Towers Watson SA/NV, Quai des Vennes, 4020, Liège, Belgium. Authorised by the Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) Belgium, registration number 0415.981.926
Belgium Willis Towers Watson SA/NV Willis Towers Watson offers insurance-related services through Willis Towers Watson SA/NV, Quai des Vennes, 4020, Liège, Belgium (registered as a branch in the UK at 51 Lime Street, London, EC3M 7DQ, UK Branch Number BR021056) in relation to all EEA-regulated business. Authorised by the Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) Belgium, and authorised and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority. Details about the extent of our authorisation and regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority are available from us on request.
Denmark Willis Towers Watson I/S Willis Towers Watson I/S, Rundforbivej 303, DK-2850 Nærum. CVR.-nr. 13180695.
Finland Willis Towers Watson Oy Ab Willis Towers Watson operates in Finland under the name Willis Towers Watson Oy Ab.

Lars Sonckin kaari 12,
02600 Espoo, Finland
Tel: +358 9 6226 870

Willis Towers Watson Oy Ab, 0971677-7, engages in insurance brokerage and related services, such as risk consulting and risk management services. The company is licensed and regulated by the Financial Supervisory Authority (Financial Supervision Authority, PB 103, Snellmansgatan 6, 00101 Helsinki, +358 10 181 51, for all insurance intermediation services operating in general and life insurance, both direct insurance and reinsurance. The company is registered with the Patent and Registration Office (NBPR, FI-00091 NBPR, tel. +358 29 509 5000,

Willis Towers Watson Oy Ab is a member of the Finnish Association of Insurance Brokers.
Germany Willis Towers Watson Versicherungsmakler GmbH Willis Towers Watson Versicherungsmakler GmbH
Ireland Willis Towers Watson Insurances (Ireland) Limited Willis Towers Watson Insurances (Ireland) Ltd trading as Willis Towers Watson is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.
Ireland Willis Towers Watson Trade Credit and Surety Ltd Willis Towers Watson Trade Credit and Surety Ltd trading as Willis Towers Watson is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Registered Address: Willis Towers Watson House, Elm Park Business Campus, Merrion Road, Dublin 4, D04 P231.
Registered Number: 199439
Italy Willis Italia S.p.A WILLIS ITALIA S.p.a. – Via Pola, 9 – 20124 Milano Società ad unico socio sottoposta alla direzione e al coordinamento di Willis Europe B.V. Sede legale: Via Pola, 9 - 20124 Milano; Cap. Soc. € 2.000.000 i.v. C.F./P. IVA /n. Iscrizione Registro Imprese MI - 03902220486 Registro Unico Intermediari: B000083306 Indirizzo PEC: willisitaly@willis.mailcert.It
Luxembourg Willis Towers Watson Luxembourg S.A. Nous avons l’honneur de vous informer que la société Willis Towers Watson Luxembourg S.A. est une société de courtage en assurance inscrite au RCS de Luxembourg sous le numéro B 24558 dont le siège social est situé au 145 rue du Kiem, L-8030 STRASSEN, inscrite auprès du Commissariat aux Assurances, au registre des sociétés de courtage agréées au Grand- Duché de Luxembourg, sous le numéro 2001CM008, TVA : LU 1508 5488, société qui, ni directement ni indirectement, n’est détenue par ou détient des participations, des droits de vote ou du capital dans une entreprise d’assurance. Chaque client et tout intéressé peuvent introduire auprès de Willis Towers Watson Luxembourg un recours amiable en cas de plaintes ou de réclamations. Chaque partie conserve la possibilité, en cas d’insatisfaction, de s’adresser au Commissariat aux Assurances ou d’utiliser des voies juridictionnelles.
EN Translation: We are pleased to inform you that Willis Towers Watson Luxembourg S.A. is an insurance brokerage company registered in the Luxembourg Trade Register under number B 24558, with its registered office at 145 rue du Kiem, L-8030 STRASSEN, licensed by the Commissariat aux Assurances, in the register of brokerage companies licensed in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, under number 2001CM008, VAT: LU 1508 5488, a company which, neither directly nor indirectly, is owned by or holds shares, voting rights or capital in an insurance company. Each client and any interested party may seek amicable redress from Willis Towers Watson Luxembourg in the event of complaints or claims. Each party retains the possibility, in the event of dissatisfaction, to contact the Commissariat aux Assurances or to use judicial channels.
Netherlands Willis B.V. Willis Towers Watson Willis B.V.

Prof. E. M. Meijerslaan 5
1183 AV Amstelveen
Postbus 75201
1070 AE Amsterdam

Handelsregister Amsterdam 33114777, AFM 12011412 (NL), CBFA 19651 (B), RMIA Registermakelaar in Assurantiën B032, KiFiD 300.007627,
Norway Willis Re Nordic AS We are a leading reinsurance intermediary and risk management consultancy. We are regulated by the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway. Our permitted business is arranging reinsurance contracts. Our authorisation (organisation number 989 098 527) can be verified by visiting the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway’s Register which can be found on the website or by contacting +47 22 93 98 00.

Our ultimate parent is Willis Towers Watson PLC, a company incorporated in the Republic of Ireland and listed on NASDAQ. In this document, Willis Towers Watson PLC, its subsidiary and joint venture companies are each referred to as a “Willis Towers Watson Company” and collectively as “Willis Towers Watson Companies”.

We offer transactional and/or advisory services for your reinsurance requirements over a wide range of reinsurance products.
Norway Willis Towers Watson AS We are a leading insurance intermediary and risk management consultancy. We are authorised and regulated by Finanstilsynet, the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway. Our authorisation can be verified by visiting Finanstilsynet’s Register which can be found on the website

Our ultimate parent is Willis Towers Watson PLC, a company incorporated in the Republic of Ireland and listed on NASDAQ. In this document, Willis Towers Watson PLC, its subsidiary and joint venture companies are each referred to as a “Willis Towers Watson Company” and collectively as “Willis Towers Watson Companies”.

We offer insurance intermediary and/or transactional and/or advisory services for your insurance and health and benefits requirements over a wide range of general insurance products.
Poland Willis Towers Watson Polska Sp. z o.o. Willis Towers Watson Polska sp. z o.o. ul. Domaniewska 34a, 02-672 Warszawa nr KRS 0000054804 Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy, XIII Wydział Gospodarczy KRS ; NIP 526 02 10 292; kapitał zakładowy 732 500 zł ; Spółka wpisana do Rejestru Brokerów Ubezpieczeniowych prowadzonego przez Komisję Nadzoru Finansowego pod numerem 00000004/U w zakresie ubezpieczeń 0000001/R w zakresie reasekuracji
Portugal Willis - Corretores de Seguros, S.A. Willis – Corretores de Seguros, SA, registered at the Commercial Registry Office of Lisbon under the single registration number and legal person 500 188 629, with registered office at Av. da Liberdade, 49 – 4º, 1250-139 Lisbon Tel. (351) 21 322 28 00 and office at Av. Sidónio Pais, 379, Edf. B – 2nd floor, room 8, 4100-468 Porto, Tel. (351) 22 00 26 700, with share capital of EUR 600,000.00, authorized by the ASF in the categories of insurance broker and reinsurance intermediary, under numbers 607174154 and 809303196, respectively, with liability insurance as required by law.
Spain Willis Iberia Correduria de Seguros y Reaseguros SAU Paseo de la Castellana 36-38 28046 Madrid
Tax number: A-28961639
Registered with the Companies Registry no 2, Volume 433, general 409, Section 3ª Page 49, Sheet no 63.966-Z and registered with the Registro Dirección General de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones under number J-974 and RJ0026, with civil liability insurance as required by the law.
Sweden Willis Towers Watson Sweden AB Willis Towers Watson Sweden AB, 556426-5295,
The company conducts insurance broking activities and associated services, e.g. risk consulting and risk engineering services. The company is licensed and regulated by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finansinspektionen, Brunnsgatan 3, SE-111 38 Stockholm, Sweden, +46 8 408 980 00,, for insurance mediation services in all general and life insurance classes, both in respect of direct insurance and reinsurance. The company is registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket, SE-851 81 Sundsvall, +46 771 670 670,, The registrations can be confirmed with Finansinspektionen and Bolagsverket. The company is also regulated for its marketing activities by the Swedish Consumer Agency (Konsumentverket, Box 48, SE-651 02 Karlstad, +46 771 42 33 00,,
The company is a member of the Swedish Brokers Association (Svenska Försäkringsförmedlares Förening).
Switzerland Willis AG Willis AG
c/o Willis Towers Watson
Talstrasse 62
PO Box
8021 Zürich
FINMA Registration no. 10301

Latin America

Country Entity Disclosure
Argentina Willis Towers Watson Argentina S.A. Willis Towers Watson Argentina SA CUIT 30- 54179972-5, con sede en San Martin 344 Piso 24, CABA, estatuto originario inscripto en RPC el 2/08/1967, Nro 2158, F° 199, L 64, T A de estatutos nacionales. Willis Towers Watson Argentina SA es una sociedad de productores asesores de seguros inscripta ante la Superintedencia de Seguros de la Nación (SSN) 0-800- 666-8400, N° de Matrícula 59. EL titular de los datos personales tiene la facultad de ejercer el derecho de acceso a los mismos en forma gratuita a interválos no inferiores a 6 meses, salvo que se acredite un interés legítimo al efecto conforme lo establecido en el artículo 14 inciso 3 de la Ley 25326. Para ejercer ese derecho de acceso al sitio web La Agencia de Acceso al información pública, en su carácter de organo de control de la Ley 25326, tiene la atribución de atender denuncias y reclamos que interpongan quienes resulten afectados en sus derechos por incumplimiento de las normas vigentes en materia de protección de datos personales. Para contactar a la Agencia de Acceso a la Información Pública: Avda Pte Julio Argentino Roca 710, Piso 3, CABA (C1067ABP) Telefóno (5411) 3988-3968, Datos Personales@aaip.

English translation: (free translation) Willis Towers Watson Argentina SA CUIT 30- 54179972-5, based in San Martin 344 Piso 24, CABA, original statute registered in RPC on 08/2/1967, No. 2158, F ° 199, L 64, T A of national statutes. Willis Towers Watson Argentina S.A. is an insurance broker registered towards the Superintendency of Insurance of the Nation (SSN) 0-800- 666-8400, Registration No. 59. The owner of the personal data has the power to exercise the right of access to them free of charge at intervals of no less than 6 months, unless a legitimate interest is accredited to that effect in accordance with the provisions of article 14, paragraph 3 of Law 25326. To exercise that right of access to the website The Access to Public Information Agency, in its capacity as the control body of Law 25326, has the power to deal with complaints and claims filed by those who are affected by their rights due to breach of the regulations in force regarding the protection of personal data. To contact the Public Information Access Agency: Avda Pte Julio Argentino Roca 710, Piso 3, CABA (C1067ABP) Telephone (5411) 3988-3968, Personal Data @ aaip.
Brazil Willis Affinity Corretores de Seguros Limitada Willis Affinity Corretores de Seguros Limitada
Brazil Willis Corretores de Seguros Ltda. Willis Corretores de Seguros Ltda.
Chile Willis Towers Watson S.A. Corredores de Seguros (Insurance Broker) Willis Towers Watson S.A. Corredores de Seguros
Columbia Willis Towers Watson Colombia Corredores de Seguros S.A. Willis Towers Watson Colombia Corredores de Seguros S.A states that all the information contained herein and / or the supporting documentation by virtue of this publication, does not constitute in any case any legal opinion and / or recommendation. In view of the foregoing, Willis Towers Watson Colombia Corredores de Seguros S.A does not assume any responsibility for the decisions that our clients may make based on this information, nor for the consequences that may derive from them.
Mexico Willis Agente de Seguros y de Fianzas, S.A. de C.V. Willis Agente de Seguros y de Fianzas, S.A. de C.V.
Mexico Towers Watson México Agente de Seguros S.A. de C.V. Towers Watson México Agente de Seguros S.A. de C.V.
Peru Willis Corredores de Seguros S.A Willis Corredores de Seguros S.A

Asia Pacific

Country Entity Disclosure
Australia Willis Australia Limited Willis Australia Limited | ABN 90 000 321 237 | AFSL No. 240600
China Willis Insurance Brokers Co. Ltd. Willis Insurance Brokers Co. Ltd.
Hong Kong Willis Hong Kong Limited In Hong Kong, Willis Towers Watson offers insurance products through Willis Hong Kong Limited (License No. FB1020) licensed Insurance Broker Company with General & Long Term Business (excluding Linked Long Term Business), regulated by the Insurance Authority.
Indonesia PT Towers Watson Indonesia PT Towers Watson Indonesia
Japan Willis Japan Services K.K. Willis Japan Services K.K.
New Zealand Willis New Zealand Limited Willis New Zealand Limited | Company No. 111584 | FSP No. FSP37782
Philippines WTW Insurance and Reinsurance Brokers Philippines, Inc WTWIRBPI is a corporation registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the Philippines with registration No. CS201322679 and a duly licensed insurance (License No. IB-32-2022-R-A)and reinsurance broker (License No.RB-15-2022-O) regulated by the Insurance Commission of the Philippines.
Singapore Willis Towers Watson Brokers (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Willis Towers Watson Brokers (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.
South Korea Willis Towers Watson Insurance Korea Limited Willis Towers Watson Insurance Korea Limited
Taiwan Willis Towers Watson Taiwan Limited Willis Towers Watson Taiwan Limited
Vietnam Willis Towers Watson Vietnam Insurance Broker  Willis Towers Watson Vietnam Insurance Broker

Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa

Country Entity Disclosure
Cameroon Willis Towers Watson Cameroun SA Willis Towers Watson Cameroun SA, Société de courtage d'assurances
Cote d'Ivoire Willis Towers Watson Côte d'Ivoire SA Willis Towers Watson Côte d'Ivoire SA, Société de courtage d'assurances
Croatia Willis Towers Watson d.o.o Willis Towers Watson d.o.o
Czech Republic Willis Towers Watson Insurance Broking (Czech Republic) s.r.o. Willis Towers Watson Insurance Broking (Czech Republic) s.r.o.
Egypt Willis Towers Watson Egypt SAE
Willis Towers Watson Re Egypt SAE
Willis Towers Watson Risk Solutions SAE
WTW is licensed to provide regulated financial services in Egypt via the following companies:
Willis Towers Watson Egypt SAE (License No. 2)
Willis Towers Watson Re Egypt SAE (License No. 23)
Willis Towers Watson Risk Solutions SAE (License No. 14)
Ghana Willis Towers Watson Ghana Ltd Willis Towers Watson Ghana Ltd
Greece Willis Towers Watson Greece Insurance Agents Single Member S.A.
Willis Towers Watson Greece Insurance Brokers SA
Willis Towers Watson Greece Insurance Agents Single Member S.A. – Reg. No. (G.E.MI.): 121995903000

Willis Towers Watson Greece Insurance Brokers S.A. – Reg. No. (G.E.MI.): 121574403000
Hungary Willis Towers Watson Magyarország Biztosítási Alkusz és Tanácsadó Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság Willis Towers Watson Magyarország Biztosítási Alkusz és Tanácsadó Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
Israel Willis Towers Watson Israel Insurance Broker Ltd. Willis Towers Watson Israel Insurance Broker Ltd.
Jordan Willis Towers Watson Egypt SAE WTW is licensed to provide insurance broking services in Jordan through the Jordan branch office of Willis Towers Watson Egypt SAE (License No. 0155/7/14)
Kuwait Willis Towers Watson Kuwait LLC WTW is licensed to provide insurance broking services in Kuwait through Willis Towers Watson Kuwait (License No. IBC20200010).
Kazakhstan Willis Towers Watson Insurance Broker (Kazakhstan) LLP Willis Towers Watson Insurance Broker (Kazakhstan) LLP
Nigeria Willis Towers Watson Nigeria Ltd Willis Towers Watson Nigeria Ltd
Romania Willis Towers Watson Romania-Broker De Asigurare Reasigurare SRL Willis Towers Watson Romania-Broker De Asigurare Reasigurare SRL
Saudi Arabia Towers Watson Saudi Arabia LLC WTW is licensed to provide non-regulated consultancy services in Saudi Arabia via Towers Watson Saudi Arabia (License No. 1010331058)
Senegal Willis Towers Watson Sénégal SA Willis Towers Watson Sénégal SA, Société de courtage d'assurances
Slovakia Willis Towers Watson Insurance Broking (Slovak Republic), organizačná zložka Willis Towers Watson Insurance Broking (Slovak Republic), organizačná zložka
South Africa Willis South Africa (Pty) Limited Willis South Africa is an authorised Financial Services Provider, registered in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act 37 of 2002 and subordinate legislation : FSP 267, Registration No 1997/0204/6907
Turkiye Willis Towers Watson Sigorta ve Reasürans Brokerliği Anonim Şirketi Willis Towers Watson Sigorta ve Reasürans Brokerliği Anonim Şirketi
United Arab Emirates (UAE) Al Futtaim Willis Co. LLC

Gras Savoye Gulf Insurance Broker LLC

Willis Limited, Dubai Branch (Reinsurance)
WTW is licensed to provide insurance broking services in the United Arab Emirates via the following companies: Al Futtaim Willis Co. LLC, Insurance Brokers registered under UAE Federal Law No. 6 of 2007 (Registration No. 10)

Gras Savoye Gulf Insurance Broker LLC, Insurance Brokers registered under UAE Federal Law No. 6 of 2007 (Registration No. 243)

Willis Ltd Dubai Branch, authorized for reinsurance broking services by the Dubai Financial Services Authority, Registration F002983
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